Migrate to Reclaim Hosting

If you are leaving the college, and you want to maintain your site, you will need to migrate your domain from sites.haverford.edu.

The easiest option is to migrate directly to an individual account in Reclaim Hosting, which hosts Haverford Sites.

  1. To get started you’ll need to login to your control panel (https://sites.haverford.edu/dashboard) using your Haverford username and password.
    screen shot of sites login page
  2. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see the cPanel interface.  Now click on the “Manage Your Account” menu at the top of your screen and select “Migration Information.”
    migrate your site link is on the top menu bar
  3. Next click on the “Get Started” button in the Migration Offer region of the screen.
    Reclaim migration offer--Get Started button
  4. Next, you are prompted to provide the domain you want to use for your hosting service.If you have been using the free subdomain option with .sites.haverford.edu through your Haverford Sites, select the “Register a new domain” option, choose a new domain name, and follow the onscreen instructions.If you have purchased your own top-level domain from Haverford Sites or elsewhere, select the “I will use my existing domain and update my nameservers” option, and follow the onscreen instructions.


Then, send a message to Reclaim Hosting (support@reclaimhosting.com) to request data transfer including your old URL you would like the content moved from and Reclaim Hosting will take care of the migration for you.