Signing Up

Review the Guidelines

Before you get started, we recommend that you review our information about Choosing a Domain Name.

The Sign-Up Process

Once you’ve reviewed the guidelines, you can proceed to the sign-up page.

  1. Click the “Get Started” Button
    Get Started button
  2. You will be redirected to login for verification. You will use your Haverford username and password to log in.
    Haverford Login Enter your Username and Password
  3. You are now ready to create a domain. Set up your domain as prompted. Enter in the subdomain name you want for your website. When you’ve found an available subdomain, click the button labeled “Continue.”
    Reclaim domain setup screen
  4. Confirm that you like the name you selected. If you do, click the “signup” button. (If not, click the “start over” button, and repeat step 3.)
    Confirm domain name and continue or start over
  5. You should now see a screen confirming that your subdomain is ready. After a few seconds, you will see the regular cPanel options.
    "Congratulations" screen appears, and then you are redirected to cPanel screen

Option: Buy your own top level domain for your site

It is easy to create your own top level domain. This allows you to select a URL for your web site that is easy to remember and share.

Follow these top level domain instructions on the Reclaim website. Alternately, you can get a domain from a different domain provider and and add it as an addon domain.